The “new normal’ everyone talks about. What is it supposed to look like? As with many things: being clear about what you do NOT want is easy to describe.
Explain and outline what it is that you really (really!) want, is considerably harder.
Here a try – my try - at exactly that.
We have a choice. We have a choice to define, to embody, to live, how we want the ‘new normal’ to be.
Because, far from perfectionism, doing, being and actioning is what makes a difference.
This is why, I herewith propose a ‘Pledge of tiny actions’.
It is end of March / early April 2020 as I write this. Corona (Covid19) increases its grip onto the world. Draconian, tough policy measures are being put in place limiting people's lives ... and rattling the global economy.
Could it hall happen again in the future? And if so - in what way?