A fascinating book, full of examples, about how traditional Japanese society innovatively survived in a land of scarce resources, over-population and huge cities.
"Overdressed" is the American equivalent to Lucy Siegle's 2011 book 'To Die For'. But this book is 'nearer to the people', and the voice more illustrative, if not to say purposely blunt. A review.
The issue of wages in the fashion supply chain is a never ending story: the paid wages, the unpaid wages, those that suffice, or not, for a livelihood. tackles this issue in a very thorough, and at the same time visionary way by laying out a practical frame work for a Fair Wages
Doughnut Economics = An economic system that respects the planetary boundaries as well as the societal attributes of welfare. To create an economic system that works for the humans and the environment around us.
"Salaula" tells us the whole story of second-hand clothing. It brings together 2 complementary aspects: Cultural & Economic analysis, and the voice of the real people.
“100 Ways to Save the World” is an entertaining, beautifully illustrated book with 100 super-simple tips that will make a difference to the planet.
The Gross Domestic Product (short: GDP) is the for most of the planet THE economic measure of all things. At least if governments as well as the economic newscasts are to be believed. With ‘The Delusive Quest for Growth’ David Pilling has written a biography-cum-history of the GDP: from humble beginnings as an effort to draw up national accounts through the present day incarnation and significance.
As companies and countries around the world pursue net zero targets, one big question is: How do you ensure the carbon removal technologies we will need 20 to 30 years down the road are available, affordable and easily scaled?
S&P Global recently published a podcast mini-series on emerging climate technology.
The series not only introduces a range of much hyped about, CO2 saving or CO2 removing technology, but also looks at scaling, the truth of potential impact, and financial viability.It is for this reason that I would like to list the three episodes in this post – and invite everyone to spend the 3 x 20 minutes to wrap their head around these insights.
Let’s put the conclusion at the beginning: This book is a must read, for those that intend to ‘go into luxury’, fashion, or any other creative industry. But also for all those that are of the opinion that the ‘Gig Economy’ only came into being with companies like Uber, AirBnb, Just Eat and the like. In fact, luxury – and linked to it – the creative arts have been pioneering the Gig Business Model for many decades already.
'The hidden face of fair trade' is a thoroughly researched, critical review of the fair trade movement and its players. With France as the primary focus, the author revisits the movement's history, points out paradoxes and problems, and suggest what may, or not, become of it in the future.
Japanese historic textiles, as much as their modern version, are famouse for their distinct colour ranges. What few know: all 1052 of these shades are created with natural dyes (only!), and each has its own distinct name.
That textile waste – in the shape of garments as well as in other incarnation – has increasingly a commercial value in an area of globalised markets was a topic here in Shirahime on more than one occasion. This book takes on a larger perspective: Each chapter of the this book offers insights into the recycling economy of a distincly different industry.
The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook” presents a prism of viewpoints that discuss and suggest approaches of how corporate environments can embrace sustainability.
“Green to Gold – How smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage” by D.C....
Daring to ask and daring to understand: the key ingredients that turn a passive customer in an active (activist) participant in our market economy. This book portrays 26 natural dye artisans, in beautiful pictures, honouring their skill and wisdom.
"People respond to incentives". Book review of an excellent introduction to the mechanisms and macro-economics behind development and global aid giving.
The “Better Consumer” report aims to be a source of reliable information to those executive saying “Show me there is demand, and we'll be happy to cater to it” when asked why their fashion brand is not producing better, more sustainable products.
'Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration' tackles 2 topic at once: Ethical fashion and its designers, and the promotion of fashion illustration as a discipline.
Book Review: In Second Skin India Flint analysis the sustainable fashion challenge from the practicalities of a consumer. She makes it clear that our choices have a direct impact. Sadly, many of the practical examples she provides will push consumers away, rather than towards, improving their track record.
"Shaping Sustainable Fashion" focuses on the practical issues of 'good' fashion: among them how to positively influence sourcing, design, or the challenges of laundry.