Understanding cross-border diversity in consumer behaviour, advertising, sales and marketing management is a widely studied topic of international marketing. Cultural difference matter particularly in business negotiations, advertising, consumer behaviour and marketing research. One of the most frequent approaches differentiates between high-context and low-context cultures, which impacts directly on the quality and quantity of information businesses are willing to share.
"Made in [your country]" is an ongoing attractive topic in the contemporary sustainable fashion discussion. In many cases, one that borders - or is even right in the middle of - some rather right-wing nationalist sentiments. Europe as a whole does not need that - there is enough quality design and craftsmanship to be proud of without getting into shallow waters.
The reaping (black market) trade in reptile skins for the luxury fashion and accessories market is an openly talked about, albeit ugly, reality of the present. The recently published UNCTAD BioTrade report and toolkit provides useful and pragmatic info for designers.
Africa Fashion Guide
'Africa' & 'Fashion' in one sentence, usually evokes the picture of the cliché matron wearing an attire in recognisable prints. To prove that these may indeed just be nothing but clichés, and that there is much much more to African Fashion, is this book's mission