Kindling the Amber
This year has been a tough year. The count of lost lives alone cannot be escaped. For me: I was made redundant shortly before Christmas 2019 - consequence of restructuring - and had wanted to set up on my own. And then ... you know the story. And yet: there is so much to be grateful for. Parents that are healthy. Mountains that were climbed. Access to natural spaces. The snowflakes in front of my window. And learnings along the way. One thing that particularly stands out to me, from all the experiences in the past months: There are two types of people in this world. Those that champion the achievements of others. Who want to see them succeed and create positive change in and for the world and our global society. And then some. I'm grateful to have learned the difference. To 2021. To 12 more months of opportunities, to learn, to become better versions of ourselves, and to create change. For us. But more importantly, for the generations yet to come.
Diversity and Inclusion is a highly relevant topic not ‘just’ because it is all about equality and justice. But as long as entire parts of our global population remain disenfranchised, and desperate to just survive from day to day, tackling challenges - and in particular Climate Change - that affect all of us, indiscriminately, remains impossible. Boards of Directors set out the "Tone at the Top', also in matter of diversity and inclusion. In fashion companies, what exactly is the tone, the music, that they are creating?
Cape Town Dancing Woman Mural
This post is going to be somewhat more personal than how I usually write. Normally, I try to write and argument as factually and data driven as possible. I’m not one that feels comfortable to carry my emotions on my sleeve. And even less as some of the topics I write about are truly important to me. But: There are a couple of things that upset me in the present. They related to the #blacklivesmatter movement on the one hand, but maybe more specifically to the related discussion on #racism – globally. -> Includes a list of practical resources for corporate boards